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Recipe: Tasty Bean Surprise Burrito

Bean Surprise Burrito.

Bean Surprise Burrito You can have Bean Surprise Burrito using 5 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Bean Surprise Burrito

  1. It's 1 cup of left over bean soup ( thick).
  2. It's 2 each of tortilla.
  3. It's of shredded cheese.
  4. Prepare of salt.
  5. It's 1 slice of cornbread.

Bean Surprise Burrito step by step

  1. Heat bean soup any way.
  2. Heat up tortillas on stove or microwave.
  3. Crumble 1/2 slice of cornbread over each tortilla.
  4. Put 1/2 cup of bean soup over each tortilla.
  5. Salt to taste.
  6. Put shredded cheese on it to taste.
  7. Microwave until cheese is melted.
  8. Enjoy!.

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